Covidcator Competitor Analysis

To see what products or services are related to COVID19, I investigated multiple COVID19 locators and testing kits to explore the type of information shared with the customers. Below are three competitors (direct and indirect) that I observed closely on how they created and presented their product.
1. ArcGIS’s COVID19 Testing Site Locator (Direct)
Description: ArcGIS is an international supplier of geographic information system software known as the GIS, built an online website used for locating COVID19 testing sites all over the United States.

Company Age: ERSI started back in 1969, but the website was built recently in April 2020

User Reviews: actively using the website to find testing centres

User Roles:
If users are showing symptomatic or no symptomatic experiences, and are exposed to someone or environment with COVID /  related to COVID19, they can find specific testing sites nearby or anywhere in the United States

UI Evaluation:
Recognizable website structure with the most important information in the centre
Familiar use of navigation on the right hand side – with some familiar icons (ie. “i” icon for information)
Informative content on cards including information on where it is, what type of assessment it is and how to contact them

User Flows:
Go on website
Look at map and locate address, or your browser automatically locate you the closest testing site
On right side shows a navigation that you can locate yourself, legend of all the types of testing sites, related data / links, sharable link and information on what this project is for
Click on the dot on the map and it will show an information card about what, where and how you can contact the assessment centre

SWOT Analysis

2. Social + Basillabs’s Testing Site Locator (Direct)
Description: A partnership project built primarily by The Social App and Basil Labs at Georgetown Venture Lab. The online web application helps to locate the nearest COVID19 testing centres around the person’s geolocation.

Company Age: newly introduced in April 2020

User Reviews: Web application is still new and does not have an average of users or user reviews

UI Evaluation:
Content hierarchy is consistent where the most important data on the centre stage – the map and pins of assessment centres
Pins locate the closest assessment centres for the geolocation of the user but it looks very clustered together
Flexibility of filtering out the clustered pin with the left-hand toolbar

User Roles:
If users are showing symptomatic or no symptomatic experiences, and are exposed to someone or environment with COVID /  related to COVID19, they can find specific testing sites nearby or anywhere in the United States

User Flows:
Go on website
Use the geolocation search bar Complete 4 COVID19 questions
Filter based on distance, requirements, drive-thru, doctor’s order
Click on the pin and it shows a card information of the clinic / testing site’s name, address, phone number, if it allows drive thru, pre-requisites and an option to send the address to your google map app
Users will have an option to copy the address to their google maps app

SWOT Analysis

3. Pixel by LabCorp – At-Home Testing Kit (Indirect)
Description: LabCorp is a diagnostic laboratory that creates and distributes testing kits for a variety of illnesses, and perform medical tests with millions of patients per week in the US. The company’s mission is to improve the health and lives of people.

Company age: company started in 1969 – but the COVID19 at-home testing kit started in March – April 2020

User reviews: Users are excited to see this product launched as they are scared to go out

UI Evaluation:
Recognizable design pattern on the website with important information located in the middle
Call to action buttons successfully bring the users to the information they want about the at-home testing kit
Simple instructions on how to obtain a testing kit

User Roles:
If users are showing symptomatic or no symptomatic experiences, and are exposed to someone or environment with COVID /  related to COVID19, they can request for a testing kit and get it to delivery to them without leaving their home

User Flows:
Go on website
Click on call to action to ‘View Kit’Read eligibility information and click on ‘Get Started’
Fill out a series of questions related to COVID and your current symptoms
Access your checkout basket and pay
Confirmation email Wait to receive sample collection kit and send back to lab Access your results online

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